Thursday, January 27, 2011

Current Industry

#  Many  farm-scale production  capacity  is  not  economic.

#  The farm  price  of  chicken, eggs  is  not  permanent  prices  always  fluctuate  and  very  by  grade.

#  Factor  contributing  to  increased  productivity :

        -  Commercial  stage.
        -  Economic  scale  production.
        -  Knowledgeable  operators.
        -  Skilled  Operator
        -  Ready  to  receive  the  latest  technology.
        -  Production  system  move  productive.
        -  down  steam.
        -  Government  support.
        -  Effective  disease  control.
        -  Effective  regulatory.
        -  Import  control..


        -  Imports  for  the  purpose  of  downstream  product.
        -  Production  system  :
                      * Integrated  manufacturing  system  ( up-stream and down stream ).
                      * Breeder / Hatchery
                      * Feed mills.
                      * Grower.
                     * Paper  eggs  tray.
                     * Slaughtering  and  processing  plant
                     *  marketing.

Background Of The Poultry Meet Industry

#  Development of  Poultry  Industry.

      -  In 1960 an....
      -  Exotic breeds e.g.Rhode Island Red and Leghoun were introduced in 1927.
      -  Local  production is insufficient to meet demand, poultry meet and eggs have to be imported.
     -  After world War 2, has just started construction of the poultry industry.

     -  Starting with how free and curfew at night, when the system charged to a semi-intensive which
         provided shelter and fenced.

     -  Built from 1947 to 1955...

     -  Beginning  in 1960, many large poultry farms exist.

    -  In 1966 a total  of  1196 poultry farms opened  with  a  total  of  3 million heads  of  livestock.

    -  In 1966, these  mere 77 pieces = 16 million  hatchery DOC.

    -  In  the  year  1960 - 1970, rapid  development, increased use  of  technology  in  production.

    -  In  1980, the problem  of  falling  farm  prices - the  cash  flow  to  entrepreneurs  sharpen.

    -  Feedmills  company  provide  credit  facilities ( Contrack  Farming ).